O2 Consulting

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Google Ads or SEO, which should you choose?

If you advertise online, should you use Google Paid Ads, SEO or both?

This is a decision that every business with an online marketing presence makes at some point. Agencies who offer SEO push their product, while Google Ads Agencies extol the benefits of their own.

In an ideal world, you should implement both as they compliment each other.

Traffic from Google Adwords can improve your organic SEO rankings, and a website optimized for SEO can lead to lower Costs per Click and a better ROI on your Google Adwords Campaigns.

But, not every business has the resources to implement both, or may want to scale their online marketing gradually, leading them to prioritize one over the other.

So which is better? The answer depends on the type of business you have and what you are trying to achieve (look for follow up posts for more detail)

Or reach out to us for a tailored plan of action that works for you. No charge or commitment for the initial consultation.