The Advantages of Google Ads over SEO

Google Paid Ads has a number of advantages over SEO.

1) Faster results - While a new ad campaign will take some time to get traction (typically up to 30 days), you will see tangible results much faster than you will with SEO

2) Better targeting - sure you can target specific keywords with SEO, but Paid Ads allow for a much higher degree of specificity in targeting.

3) Better placement - Lets face it, Google is a business, and they reserve the best placements for paying (Google Ads) customers.

4) Level playing field - If your competitors have a head start, you will have a tough time catching/surpassing them utilizing organic SEO. Google Paid Ads allows you to place higher on search results from day one.

5) Platforms - while SEO helps with standard search results, Google Ads have access to the full range of Google Platforms ( Shopping, Display, YouTube, Gmail etc).

6) Re-marketing - Paid ads allow you to to target potential customers who have already shown interest in your products/ brand (typically a high converting audience segment).

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SEO does have some advantages over Paid Ads, stay tuned for our follow up post.


Advantages of SEO over Paid Ads (Google Ads...)


Google Ads or SEO, which should you choose?