What size businesses does O2 Consulting serve?

We provide services for small and medium sized businesses with a monthly advertising budget ranging from $5,000 to $500,000.

What types of business so you serve?

O2 Consulting serves a wide range of businesses including businesses in the eCommerce, Healthcare, Real Estate, Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail sectors.

Do we need to sign a long-term contract for your services?

We do not require our customers to lock themselves into long-term contracts. We are invested in our customers success.

How do I know if my business would benefit from O2 Consulting’s services?

Before we take on any new customers, we do a review of their business and current marketing campaigns and share our findings with you. We then share our findings with you and explain how we O2 Consulting can help your business. Reach out to O2 Consulting for a free review.

What services does O2 Consulting provide for eCommerce businesses?

O2 consulting has expertise in all facets of eCommerce. This includes DTC Shopify websites, Google Ads., Amazon Seller Central , Amazon Vendor Central, Walmart and Ebay.

Our experience includes all aspects of selling on these platforms including website design and analytics, Amazon Listings, PPC Advertising, Social Media Advertising and SEO.

If you are a manufacturer, retailer or distributor who doesn’t yet sell online, we can build out your eCommerce department for you.

We aren’t sure if we want to invest in eCommerce, what is our next step?

While most businesses will benefit from our services, there are instances where that may not be the case. You can reach out to O2 Consulting for a no cost consultation. We will review your business / industry and discuss the options that make sense for you.

We want an expert to review our current Digital Marketing Campaigns, do you offer that?

Being that Digital Marketing is can be a substantial investment for a business, getting a 2nd opinion or having an extra “set of eyes” to review your current campaigns can be invaluable. At O2 marketing we can audit your Digital Marketing Campaigns and present a report with our findings and suggestions

Our experience in the past with Digital Marketing has been underwhelming, is it possible that it just isn’t a fit for my business?

While it’s possible that some business may not achieve a ROI from Digital Marketing, that is rarely the case. We have had customers in the past who used other agencies for their marketing and were ready to throw in the towel, thinking digital marketing just didn’t work for their business. When we reviewed their past marketing efforts and advertising campaigns, we were able to determine that they were run inefficiently, and by optimizing their marketing they were able to achieve concrete results.

There are different aspects of Digital Marketing. These include Google Ads, SEO, Social Media, Google Local, influencer marketing etc. Many businesses can benefit from all of them, but some business may only benefit from certain aspects of Digital Marketing. This is something we asses in our initial review of your business.