Efficient eCommerce Marketing starts with Website Design

One aspect of Digital Marketing that is often overlooked is Website Design. Often businesses utilize one agency for web design, and another for digital marketing, with no interaction between the two. However, web design is integral in maximizing the ROI of any Online Marketing Campaign. Below are two of the reasons why

  1. The most obvious reason is “bounce rate”. this refers to the percentage of people who click on your website, then leave having never clicked on a 2nd page. When you are paying to drive traffic you website, a high bounce rate can be the difference between success and failure.

    Although there can be multiple reasons for a high bounce rate, one of the primary reasons is poor website design and navigability.

  2. Up-Sell: One of the easiest way to improve the ROI of your Digital Marketing and Google Ads spend, is by up-selling customer who visit your site. Although their interest in a single product may have initially brought them to your eCommerce website, leveraging a captive audience to purchase related items from you can bring your eCommerce Success to a higher level.

    A good eCommerce Website Design will inform and guide website visitors so they can easily indentify and view all the products that you offer.

I have seen some instances of very professionally designed websites, that had a negative impact on eCommerce sales.

  1. I had been asked by a company to review their website. The website was beautifully done with stunning images. When I clicked on the website, it made me want to buy the beautiful linen and bed that was visible on the product image.

    The problem is the company did not sell linen, or beds. The product they were selling was a dresser, that was relegated to a small corner of the product image. If someone clicked on a Google Shopping Ad advertising a dresser, and was faced with this image, they likely would “bounce” from the website.

  2. Another time I reviewed a building supply website. The Home Page had large image of their warehouse with an short bio about the company underneath, but no products.

    While an “about us” page with a bio can be useful to gain credibility, it should not be the home page of an eCommerce website. It is important to bear in mind that even if an ad brings a customer to a specific product page, the next most likely page for them to visit is the home page. If the objective of your website is to sell products, then their should be products on the home page

    In some cases, it may be worthwhile for companies to have 2 separate websites. One for eCommerce, and the other as an informational website (this strategy would typically be most suitable with a manufacturer).

These are just some of the issues I have come across with eCommerce websites designed without consideration for the digital marketing aspect.

While you don’t need to use the same agency that manages your companies website to manage your Digital Marketing campaigns, in order for your online marketing to reach its full potential and achieve the highest ROI, it is important that they work in tandem.


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